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    Please Share your story in this thread. The majority of people find their experiences exciting. This often leads them to question the ontological aspect of reality. Others may not. If you’re upset by your experiences, please utilize the Directory of Mental Health on the main page for certified counselors competent in these experiences. For a support group go here ->


    The incident I wanted to share is about an enlightening dream I had after meditating. It was both vivid and bizarre, and began with me walking down a small, narrow street in a city. There were a lot of people walking in all different directions, minding their own business. As soon as I realized I was dreaming, though, every person on the street stopped walking and stared at me. I then heard whispers as if they were preparing to attack me. I calmly tried to pretend that I did not know I was dreaming, and then all the people began wearily walking again. I could sense that they were not fully convinced that I believed this to be a reality, so I just put my head down and continued to walk.

    I came across a hole that was in the sidewalk and next to a building. I felt the need to go down that hole. I looked around at the people walking to ensure they did not see me, and then discreetly went down the hole, even though I had no clue where it would lead me. It was dark, I could not see anything. I felt restricted so I began crawling, waiting to see some form of light or anything. Finally, I heard my own voice tell me, “you will not find it, you must create it.” I felt a panic as there was nothing. No room, no body, no light, no space. Just complete nothingness. Complete loneliness of my own voice and my own thoughts. The voice answered back to create it. I thought of a room and instantly I could see I was in that room. I thought light and instantly a lamp with the light appeared in the room. I looked down to see my hands, but I had none. I panicked and thought I have no body? My own voice answered back, “Then create a body.” I created my hands instantly with a thought. I have created things in a lucid dream state before, but this was different. It was instant and I did not even have to try.

    As I got used to this state, I started creating birds just to hear their chirping. A flock of birds instantly flew through the room chirping happily. I was so at aw with them. I turned my hands into tree limbs and watched them grow toward the birds in hopes they would sit upon them. They did and looked at me. As I looked into their eyes, I saw [from their perspective] myself staring back. It was at this point that I realized that the only way I could know myself was to explore through my creations as they reflected me. I needed them to look at me, so I could know who I was. I created a human, but he began trying to attack me, so I simply ignored him. While I could only see him in the corner of my eye, he turned back into dust. I created a bunch of things and then when I got bored with them, I simply ignored them and watched them turn into gold dust. I was sad as I felt lonely; I was just humoring myself as I went on creating.

    Then I heard a cracking sound. I realized that my bird I had created had laid an egg in their nest. It was hatching. I was overwhelmed with intense emotions; my creation was creating things on its own. I looked into the eyes of the bird and saw an aspect of myself I don’t even know was there. I awoke from the dream crying with intense happiness. That day I found beauty in the simplest differences; the contrast allowed me to feel something besides nothingness. I was curious about everything.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by Luna.
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