One of the most common fallacies is that parapsychologists study ghosts. Parapsychologists study the individual experiences such as perceptual studies using EEG, FMRI, during experimental psi tasks. Parapsychology researchers consist of Physicists, Cognitive Neuroscientists, Psychiatrists, Experimental Psychologists, etc. They are scientists that contribute to various scientific fields and publish their results for and against the phenomenon in academic papers. Like all scientists, they put their personal beliefs aside when doing their work, or in other words they shut up and calculate. They use triple-blind studies to investigate the accuracy of psi individuals in mediumship as seen here:
Whereas paranormal investigators or ghost hunters don’t uphold the rigorous scientific method. They are known as the “Amateur Paranormal Community.” They study the environment (field work) of the reported experience using ghost boxes, EVP, or film. While it may be fun to engage in this type of activity, it doesn’t uphold proof in academic research as there are too many methodological flaws. For example, mentalist Loyd Auerbach may have a degree in parapsychology. Yet, he engages in ghost haunting for entertainment purposes, not scientific pursuit. He is known as “Professor Paranormal.” In over 30 years of investigating, he stated technology used for ghost haunting can provide some clues, but he is skeptical about the reliance on such technology and believes that someone with psychic abilities is better suited to ghost hunting. Loyd Auerbach continues to work with others across the country to try to bring some sense of connection between the amateur ‘paranormal community’ and those in the scientific field of parapsychology.